Reside 2024

Struggling to keep up with your Mortgage Bond? Here's what you need to do!

The decline in mortgage account upkeep reflects deepening financial strain among consumers, with historically high delinquency rates underscoring the challenges faced by homeowners. Typically, around 92% of mortgage accounts were maintained without issue, but recent data paints a more concerning picture, dropping to 88% by the end of 2023—a stark 50% increase in arrears over just 18 months.

Globally, persistent inflation and elevated interest rates are pivotal factors exacerbating financial pressure. In South Africa, the repo rate—a benchmark for setting prime rates—has reached its highest level in 15 years due to inflationary pressures stemming from various global and local economic disruptions.

Renier Kriek, managing director of Sentinel Homes, warns against the perils of falling behind on mortgage payments, emphasizing proactive measures over reactive responses. He advises homeowners to establish communication with their lenders before missing payments, advocating for realistic agreements to prevent escalation into arrears and potential foreclosure.

For those already in arrears, Kriek stresses the importance of making partial payments promptly to demonstrate commitment and facilitate negotiation with lenders. Active engagement in repayment, he notes, significantly reduces the likelihood of foreclosure proceedings.

Prevention better than cure

Kriek further recommends early consideration of property sale as a proactive measure to mitigate financial losses and avoid additional costs associated with foreclosure. He encourages open communication with family and friends for emotional and practical support, suggesting they may offer valuable insights and assistance in navigating financial hardships.

In cases of temporary financial hardship, Kriek highlights the potential benefits of lender-provided solutions such as payment holidays or interest-only periods, cautioning against misleading debt management services that may not adequately address underlying financial issues.

Forbearance before foreclosure

Contrary to popular belief, Kriek dispels the notion that home loans are profitable for lenders, emphasizing that missed payments can quickly jeopardize the lender's financial position. He underscores the importance of maintaining open communication with lenders to explore viable solutions and avoid foreclosure, which can have lasting financial repercussions.

Ultimately, Kriek urges homeowners to take proactive steps to safeguard their financial stability, emphasizing the importance of early intervention and responsible financial management. By addressing financial challenges promptly and seeking support where necessary, homeowners can navigate through difficulties and secure their financial well-being amidst economic uncertainty.


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